Go and Share Missions Canada (formerly known as Go and Love Foundation Canada) is a non‐profit charitable organization founded in 2006. Powered by the great love of our Lord Jesus to fulfill the Great Commission, we aim to preach the Gospel with our voice and witness His love with our action. 

We seek to work alongside ministry partners from different parts of the world who share same aspirations. Exercising the gifts we each have been given, we endeavor to share our experience and resources to co‐work with and support each other, laboring to broaden our ministry network, preaching to further the Gospel to the end of the earth.


樂傳仁愛 (原名「加拿大傳仁基金會」)是一個於2006年成立的非牟利慈善機構。主耶穌基督的大愛驅動我們遵行大使命,我們的目的是用我們的聲音傳揚福音,用我們的行動見證主愛。我們尋求與來自世界各地與我們有著共同的理想和目標的事工夥伴合作。按著我們各人的專長,經驗和資源,彼此合作和相互支持,努力擴展事工的網絡,將福音傳到地極。

share love by hands

Our Vision

To fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the love of Christ and proclaiming the Gospel with action by Educating, Empowering and Engaging local communities in holistic transformation of body, mind and spirit.







給當地人群 “靈、魂、體”



Our Mission

Rooted in biblical teaching, working together with like-minded ministry partners, to reach out and witness God’s love in action by providing services in the areas of Community Development, Health and Education.



深根植於 聖經教導。

一致理念 夥伴同路。

外展接觸 傳揚主道。

行動見証 承傳盪浩。

社區關懷 齊心共務。

健康醫療 協力同做。

教育福音 配搭每步。

Our Strategy


  • Train the Trainers
  • Ministry Networking – local & overseas
  • Empower local Ministry partners to be the light in their community



  • 栽培 培訓者

  • 建立當地及海外事工綱絡

  • 裝備當地事工夥伴在社區發光




Contact Us

Need additional assistance? Please contact us:

Mailing Address

24-155 East Beaver Creek Road, PO Box 224,
Richmond Hill, ON  L4B 2N1


25-145 Royal Crest Court, Markham, ON  L3R 9Z4