
Community Development



Partnering with the local government, we help villages to create a more sustainable environment by building different forms of infrastructure. Examples are water purification and eco-toilet construction. 

我們通過與當地政府合作,透過建設不同形式的基礎設施,幫助村莊創造更加可持續的環境。 例如提供淨水措施和環保廁所的建設。

「讓小孩子到我這裏來, 不要阻止他們, 因為在天國的正是這樣的人。」


Existing Project:

Life with Dignity

for the Mentally Challenged

in War Zones



Life with Dignity for the Mentally Challenged in War Zones 

“Let my child die before me,” prayed a distraught older woman.

One’s mind reels. One’s heart recoils. Why in the world would any mother pray such a prayer?

A friend of that mother explains. “Her prayer is not unusual. There are no lifelong options for mentally challenged orphans. When a mother dies, she does not know what will happen to her child. The war only aggravated the situation. Some mentally challenged folks were literally wandering the streets, some lost and/or abandoned when families took flight.”

However, Go & Share Missions Canada declared this despair to be unacceptable.

That declaration led to an insider visionary who also declared such hopelessness unacceptable. He envisioned a different way: one that tangibly demonstrates the love of Jesus for the least of these. He dreamed of a nationwide cradle-to-grave community with the mentally challenged, honoring their dignity. Village by village, he nurtures volunteers to befriend their “brothers and sisters.” That volunteer network has grown to over a thousand strong, overcoming fear and prejudice and enduring years of war.

Yet mothers still prayed that tragic prayer. And Go & Share declared with him, “It’s still unacceptable.”

His dream of “a place to welcome mentally challenged orphans to live in dignity” has come true in partnership with Go & Share. Now these “brothers and sisters” have a loving home until their last breath as valuable contributors to a community. Volunteers flock to the home to experience the honest love of these “brothers and sisters.”

Go & Share didn’t stop there. We have assisted in establishing and sustaining a sheltered workshop where the “brothers and sisters” can work and sell their products. Despite the war, the pandemic, and economic collapse, the workshop has continued operating. This year (2022), they donated profit from their sales to provide food for the ophan home.

Isn’t it amazing what a loving delcaration of unacceptable can do?







這位母親的朋友解釋說: 「她的禱告並非不尋常。這裏的智障孤兒實在沒有安心生活的選擇。當母親去世時,她不知道她的孩子會怎樣。戰爭只會使情況更惡化。一些智障人士終日在街上流連,一些在舆家人逃難途中迷了路,甚至被遺棄了。」




Existing Project:

Refugee Ministry & Training of National Workers in Lebanon


Refugee Ministry & Training of National Workers in Lebanon

Go and Share Missions Canada partners with a local evangelical church in Lebanon to develop refugee ministry, which includes the establishment of churches, orphanages, schools and worker training centers. The Church is now helping these refugees by not only taking care of their physical needs, but also preaching the gospel of love, compassion and forgiveness. The Christians there become the salt and light of the local community. Millions of refugees have lost their homes and have been displaced. Their hearts are open. God is going to work on this land, and this is a great opportunity for us to respond to His Great Commission!


