
Community Development



Partnering with the local government, we help villages to create a more sustainable environment by building different forms of infrastructure. Examples are water purification and eco-toilet construction. 

我們通過與當地政府合作,透過建設不同形式的基礎設施,幫助村莊創造更加可持續的環境。 例如提供淨水措施和環保廁所的建設。

「讓小孩子到我這裏來, 不要阻止他們, 因為在天國的正是這樣的人。」


Existing Project:

Refugee Ministry & Training of National Workers in Lebanon


Refugee Ministry & Training of National Workers in Lebanon

Go and Share Missions Canada partners with a local evangelical church in Lebanon to develop refugee ministry, which includes the establishment of churches, orphanages, schools and worker training centers. The Church is now helping these refugees by not only taking care of their physical needs, but also preaching the gospel of love, compassion and forgiveness. The Christians there become the salt and light of the local community. Millions of refugees have lost their homes and have been displaced. Their hearts are open. God is going to work on this land, and this is a great opportunity for us to respond to His Great Commission!


