
Relief Ministry



Existing projects 現有項目


Food Distribution Program (COVID 19 Relief Fund) in Myanmar

Due to COVID 19 pandemic, factories are closed, and many people are therefore out of work. In respond to the urgent needs, we have initiated a food distribution program in the poor areas of Yangon. We have provided food to about 13,000 people which comprise of 261 families and 4 orphanages in 7 villages.

Food Distribution Program in Myanmar


(COVID 19救援基金)





COVID 19 Relief Ministry in Lebanon

The economy of Lebanon has taken a heavy hit due to the protests since last year and now the COVID-19 lockdown. There is huge inflation, with food and staples prices rising 4-5 times given the currencies have depreciated more than 70% against USD. Some people are not even able to buy milk! The local church is getting lots of calls asking for help. They have been very busy doing relief work. They also see many people giving their lives to Jesus as hearts are opened in this dire situation.


COVID 19 救援基金- 黎巴嫩

自去年以來, 由於示威抗議, 以及現在疫情被封鎖, 黎巴嫩的經濟受到嚴重打擊, 通貨膨脹非常嚴重,貨幣兌美元貶值了七成以上, 主要糧食價格上漲了四至五倍 。 有些人連牛奶都買不起 。 當地的教會接到很多求助電話,教會一直忙於救援工作。 在這困境中,人心躺開,有許多人把生命交給耶穌 。

COVID 19 Relief Ministry in Lebanon